Activity Group:

Art History


We choose a different artist or theme as the topic each month. Using DVDs, books, online content and discussion, the group explore the life and works of artists from across the world. Suitable for anyone who enjoys looking at and finding out about great art.

Where and when

We meet at 10am to 12 noon on the first Monday of the month in the Ashley Room at the Congregational Church.

Other information

There is a small charge for room hire.

Contact details

Angela Deane 01858 431111    email:


Art History January 2025

This seasonal painting, ‘Winter Landscape with Ice skaters and Bird trap’ was made in 1565 by the Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder and is in the Oldmasters Museum in Brussels. It shows a village scene where people skate on a frozen river, while on the right among trees and bushes, birds gather around a … Read more

Art History – July 2024

In July we explored ‘The Battle of San Romano’ by the Florentine painter Paolo Uccello.  This is a set of three paintings showing events that took place at the battle between Florentine and Sienese forces in 1432.  The paintings are in egg tempera on wooden panels, each over 3 metres long and were commissioned by … Read more

Art History May2024

In May, we took a pictorial trip to the beach with members choosing paintings on the theme of ‘At the Seaside’.  This subject was especially popular with the Impressionist painters as they were able to take their tubes of oil paints and portable easels out into the open air. Here is a small selection of … Read more

Art History – March 2024

In March we watched ‘The Story of Women and Art’,a DVD about the life and work of some of the women artists from the Italian Renaissance and the 17th century Dutch Republic.  The artists included Sofonisba Anguissola, Artemisia Gentileschi, Lavinia Fontana and Clara Peeters. We were then able to share and discuss the information we … Read more