What is the U3A?
The U3A movement provides learning and leisure activities for retired and semi-retired people. U3A stands for University of the Third Age. This is the original meaning of “university” – a community of people who learn from one another, without entry requirements, assessments, curriculum, or exams.
Who are we?
Harborough Welland U3A is a cooperative, self-help organisation, operating under the auspices of the national Third Age Trust, but like over 1,000 other U3As we are autonomous. Our approach at the Harborough Welland U3A is ‘learning for pleasure’. We meet in designated venues or in members’ homes. We are a voluntary organisation, open to everyone in their ‘third age’. After the ages of education and work comes a third age of freedom, a time to explore new interests, to share our skills and experiences with others, and to make new friends. We rely on our members to give as well as to take part. Everyone can contribute something – organising an activity group, planning a country walk, taking on committee work, or making the coffee at our monthly meeting.
Why not join us?
If thisĀ seems like something you would like to be part of, please Join Us. You will be very welcome.