Could you be our next Group Facilitator?


The current holder of the Group Facilitators role will complete her term of office at the next AGM in April 2025. Therefore, we are now looking for someone to take on this role from then. Under current HWu3a rules, a member can only serve on the Committee for a maximum of three years in one role. This role as well as being a Member of the Committee is also a Trustee of HWu3a Charity. In the past this role has been shared by two people.

However, despite having a membership of virtually 1200 members, volunteers are regularly needed to join our small Committee, as each of us serve a fixed term. It is always difficult to recruit new Members to the Committee, but if we are unable to find a replacement then the future of the Harborough Welland u3a could become precarious and difficult, as we would not be able to fully support our Members and Groups. For example, it is likely that we could not continue to hold the monthly coffee morning or support the Groups.

The Groups Facilitator is essential to the success of HWu3a, as they skilfully organize and support various activities. You may feel that being a relatively new member you do not have the experience to be on the Committee, but this is not the case as we find that new members bring different and interesting ideas to the organisation. A number of the existing Committee members, have not been members for very long.

A brief overview of the Role is to:

  • To fully support and advise the Group Coordinators.
  • To ensure that they are aware of HWu3a policies and objectives via the Group Coordinators Handbook and make sure that the Guide is regularly reviewed and updated
  • Promote good communications and represent the Groups on the Committee
  • To support the New Groups Facilitator in setting up new groups, when required.

Further details of the role is available in the “About Us” Section of the Harborough Welland u3a website

Volunteering now will allow you to have the opportunity to be able to shadow the existing postholder, together with full training and support until April which can then continue, if needed, in the first months of the role.

We are a very friendly and welcoming group on the Committee and we really hope that you will join us. We are an organisation, where the members are invited to work together and support each other to make things happen.

If you can help, please email Ian Webb or call
07886 810912. Please do not respond unless you wish to be considered for the role.

Ian Webb

Chair, Harborough Welland u3a