Upcoming Events

Monthly Meeting – Christmas Event

Market Harborough Methodist Church Northampton Road, Market Harborough,, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Christmas Meeting

Market Harborough Methodist Church Northampton Road, Market Harborough,, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

The Ukuleles, Poetry Group, Bellplates and the HWu3a Choir will be there to entertain you and then the Singing for Fun Group will lead us all in a number of rousing Christmas songs.

Get Together Meeting

Market Harborough Methodist Church Northampton Road, Market Harborough,, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Get Together Meeting

Market Harborough Methodist Church Northampton Road, Market Harborough,, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom

coffee morning - new and current members all welcome.  A chance to find out about our 80+ groups.