How to Renew Your Membership

The renewal subscription for 2025 is £11.00 for full membership or £8.00 for Associate membership (where you are a full paying member of another u3a). 

You can pay your subscription by any of the following methods:

Online in the u3a members portal using the link below. This is quick and easy, will immediately update your membership and you will receive instant confirmation that your renewal has been processed.

If you are trying to pay online through the members portal and have not registered to use the Portal before you will need to click on the blue “register for a membership account” link (below the forgotten password box). This will enable you to access the Portal using your membership number, first and surnames, postcode and email. You will then be able to create a password to use for next time you enter the Portal.

  1. Choose the renew your membership option.
  2. Click go to PayPal, you do not have to have a PayPal account to use this option you can use guest checkout with a debit or credit card.

By BACS – Our Account details are Bank – HSBC, account name Harborough Welland u3a, Account No.  55150027 and Sort Code – 40-28-06. Please ensure that you include your name and membership number as reference on your payment.

By Debit/Credit Card on the 2nd or 4th Monday of the month at the Methodist Church Hall

We will also accept payment by cheque, payable to Harborough Welland u3a or cash, but would prefer payment by one of the above methods in view of the high level of bank charges levied on cheque and cash deposits.

If you wish to post your renewal subscription, please send to:

Linda Reed, Membership Secretary
8 Millers Gardens, Market Harborough, LE16 9FE

Update Personal Details

You can view and update your personal information by logging on to the Members Portal here. This link should take you to the Members login page.

See below for a new, simpler way to log in.

Type in your Membership number, Forename, Surname, Post Code and email address, then press Confirm Identity

  • If you can’t remember your membership number, it was originally shown on your Membership invitation. Some of the emails sent from HWu3a to all members have your membership number after your name.
  • Forename and Surname are case sensitive and have to be entered exactly the same as on your Membership Record (which is generally all lower case except the first letter in upper case). If you have registered a familiar name (e.g. Ed, Dee) then that is also accepted. The Post Code and email fields are not case sensitive.
  • Beware of using predictive text or ‘copy & paste’ to complete your name – it may insert a blank space after your name which will make the log-in fail.

Once you have logged on, click on “Update your personal details“. Next you can see your record and update any details that have changed.

Changes to Beacon Login

Depending on your u3a’s configuration, the Beacon Member’s Portal offers members a number of services such as joining Groups, updating personal information and renewing membership.

Until recently, logging in required the user to enter five pieces of information. However, from 18 April, the Beacon Member’s Portal login is being simplified so that members can log in with their email address as their username, and a password of their choosing. On first use after the changes have been made, members will log in as before (with five pieces of information) and be requested to create a password. Once this has been created, members will use their email address (as username) and password to log onto Beacon.

The Membership Secretary will not be able to see or reset your password, but they can update your email address.

There are a number of other features:

On first use, and whenever the member changes their email address, they will be asked to verify it by responding to a link they will be emailed.
Forgotten passwords can be reset through an email link without the need for a secret question and answer.