This page features our volunteers and how they are fulfilling our aim of:
“By the Members for the Members“

Monthly Meetings
Volunteers are needed to support our existing STARS teams in the running of monthly meetings. Help is needed in the following areas: Registration, meeting and greeting members as they arrive, helping to put tables and chairs out and away or be part of a team to serve light refreshments.
Regular Events
Members can assist in planning regular events such as Open Days, recruitment events, online talks and social events
The first anniversary of the formation of the Harborough Welland u3a is on the 4th January 2023, with the two former u3as having harmoniously joined together.
It has been a very successful first year with the membership growing in excess of 1100, of which new members form nearly 30% and we have been able to add a number of new groups.
We have registered the HWu3a with the Third Age Trust, Charity Commission, HMRC and, undoubtedly the most difficult of all, with the 2 financial institutions who handle our payments and banking.
As we enter our second year, it is time to look further ahead to ensure HWu3a continues along the current path of growth and sustainability.
A number of the trustee and support roles will become vacant next year in March as the existing trustees complete their terms of office.
The trustee roles on the Committee are that of the Secretary, who is also an Officer of the HWu3a, Groups Facilitator and Premises Coordinator. Also, the support role of a New Groups Facilitator. There is a separate role of Minute Secretary who is already in position.
Below are links to draft overviews of each of the roles available. Volunteering now will allow you to have an opportunity to shadow the current role holder until March and receive help, if needed, in the initial stages.
It is essential if the HWu3a is to continue to grow and operate successfully that people take over these roles, particularly that of Secretary, from, at the latest, March 2023 onwards.
If you can help, please email Ian Webb, or call 07886 810912.
Sharon Webb is heading up our STARS programme: “Special Tasks and Resources”
‘By the members, for the members’ is the strap line for HWu3a. ‘We need to build up a team of members who are keen to help out in lots of ways. It doesn’t have to be every week or month, but when you are free. It can be for a one off special event or several things throughout the year.’
Maybe you can help with meet and greet at a monthly meeting or help us offer hybrid meetings regularly. Perhaps you would like to help out at our u3a day. Just email or call Sharon to talk it over and put your name down@ email:
Some of our STARs

‘I have done things which I would normally do by providing a service to members attending the monthly meeting and have met many new people who will stop and chat when we meet around the town.’

‘Being Trips Co-ordinator enables me to meet a wide range of like minded u3a members and organise trips that I will enjoy as hopefully will they.’

‘While editing the newsletter and helping with I.T. aspects I have got to know many group leaders and other members, hearing about their activities as u3a members.’
Why not join our STAR volunteers? This is what two of them say
‘I don’t want to be on the committee but I want to support them by doing some of the smaller, occasional tasks like the refreshments at general meetings. I also get to talk to lots of different people this way.’
‘It was a job that needed to be done. I like meeting and greeting people and chatting to them. I’ve run the rota for a number of years now.’
If you’d like to join our STARs, please contact Sharon: call 07886 855931 or by email: The more volunteers we have the less often you have to do the job. Remember HWu3a is run ‘by the members for the members’.
Join STARs:
You can also make a difference by volunteering in the following areas:
Help is required with updating or providing information to the website, newsletter production, Facebook page and members with basic computer skills are needed by the technical team to run Zoom and Hybrid meetings. Please contact Jack Horton if you can help in these areas: Telephone No. 07511 749462
In addition, members are invited to offer ideas for new group activities and are encouraged to step up and run these new groups. Full support and guidance are readily at hand by our Groups Facilitator Liz Brett
Contact Liz:
Telephone No. 07907 631529
At Harborough Welland u3a we are keen for all members to develop to their full potential – so seize the opportunity of shadowing one of our Hwu3a officers: such as Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary etc.
Contact Ian Webb:
Telephone No. 07886 810912
Our Facebook Page

Congratulations to members Mandy Thompson and Don West who have so successfully set up HWu3a’s Facebook page.
Once the Steering Group was underway, Mandy says, ‘My input was in response to your call for help with publicity. I enjoy participating in u3a groups and wanted to contribute in some way. I have some experience with Facebook and felt that this and social media in general was an area that the u3a should be taking advantage of. Hopefully this will continue to grow and evolve.’
When asked about the benefits of volunteering, Don confirmed, ‘It’s always good to put a little bit back into any organisation and to help out where I can. I enjoy Facebook and am reasonably competent at using it so it was a pleasure to help with setting up the group.’
At of March 2023 we have 297 members. Can you help us make this number even bigger? Check us out on: Harborough Welland u3a